Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The joys of meal planning

Now that I've decided what this blog will be, I'm bursting with ideas that want to be written. As tomorrow is Pay Day (which means that its also grocery shopping day!) I'll post about that. Grocery shopping...not Pay Day.

I'm not your average girl. I'm not a big shopper. The mall? Sure, I'll go. But I like to look then leave. I'm not a hang out all day and shop for hours kinda gal. Not in the least. Never have been!

But when it comes to grocery shopping...ahhh. That, I love. LOVE. I spend two weeks coming up with my grocery list for the next two weeks. I love meal planning and finding good deals. Most importantly, I love the results.

If you don't meal plan, you don't know what your missing. Not that it's a particularly fun thing to do(alright alright. I love it)...But it is very rewarding.

If you go to the store with a list in hand you'd be amazed at,not only how much less food you buy, but also in how much less you spend.

When I sit down with my notebook, pen, cookbooks and the ever wonderful Allrecipes I am able to decide what types of meals I want and how to re-use ingredients.

How many times have you bought...say, a bag of carrots. You need some carrots for some soup. Then, three weeks later, said bag of carrots is still sitting in your veggie drawer slowly becoming soggy? Yeah. I do it too. But when you meal plan, you can find more than one meal that uses carrots. Or any other ingredient.

Perhaps I'm beating a dead horse here. But if you don't do it...give it a try!


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